

4:40 pm

Summer time is special time for everyone. It's either you want to be outside at the beach, or inside relaxing with the A/C on full blast -- there is no in between.


3:50 pm

Christmas time is finally approaching and we can't believe the year has gone by that fast! The weather in Australia during Christmas time is clearly on the other side of the spectrum when you compare it to the weather in the cooler countries like America! Instead of wrapping ourselves up in thick blankets to beat the winter chill, we are actually unravelling ourselves layer by layer to make sure that we can go into the malls and do our XMAS shopping with no sweat!

Celebrating Christmas in the heat may sound unfavourable to some, but to us down here in Australia, we don't mind it at all! As long as we have our close friends and family, some comfy clothes to go about our days in and a lot of room to play around, any Christmas BBQ/lunch outside is bearable!

Not sure on what to wear this Christmas though? That's fine, I got you covered! With my favourite red outfits, you are sure to gift yourself with the perfect outfit!

Read more below -


3:56 pm

Spring is the time for flowers, brunches with the girls, long weekends and of course, RACES! 
Stelly Clothing has got you covered this race season with so many options, you won't be left behind!

Relatable moments w/ the Kardashians xx

4:23 pm

Not everyone is a fan of the Kardashian family, and that's perfectly fine that you aren't, but I for one, think that we can all (sorta) relate to them in a way. Sure, we don't own multiple mansions, have a body like theirs, or even a Range Rover, but there are times when we just 'get it'.

Khloe just telling us how it is. 

We know not to cry when wearing makeup.
(the importance and time it took to do your makeup that morning, don't ever let someone make you look like a wet mess!) 

The sight of PDA makes you kinda cringe
(could be because you are either 100% single, 100% petty, or 50/50)

We have all been guilty of saying this when we're at a family party....

And since I'm quite Khloe biased, she does have a good point:


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3:59 pm

Wanting to look like a sun kissed goddess is a hard thing, but thankfully with the help of highlighter, illuminator and your favourite bronzer + blush duo, we can always bring colour to our pale faces this winter. And to look like you've carried the sun around with you, check out our Pinterest board, for all your makeup tricks and tips (for even a range of skin tones as well!) C'mon check it!

But the true key to having a glow, is to start from the inside then work outside. 

First, eat the right food (and even if it's healthy, it doesn't mean you're stuck to vegetables!)

(Winter Bliss Bowls) 

Winter bliss bowls! Bliss bowls are trendy itself, but these are especially for winter, and are vegetarian and vegan friendly! Now, we don't suggest this is the only thing to eat to make you glow, but it's good to have a good amount of your suggested food groups in your diet on a regular basis! 
(As we all know, winter makes us eat more anyway!) Find out more on how to make these badass bowls here

Secondly, is to get fit.

Going outside when the weather feels like it has intentions to tear you apart is not an ideal day for any individual, but as you know, 'SUMMER BODIES ARE MADE IN WINTER!' So here are some easy ways to get fit in the space and warmth of your own home! And you don't need to pay a monthly rate for just simple exercises! 

You can find more of these on our Pinterest! Just follow us, and you'll have a lifetime amount of things to browse and get your mind on! 



2:45 pm

Splendour is soon to arrive, and we've definitely got you covered. Check out some of our looks below, then shop them all over here - http://stelly.com.au/136-lookbook

The Trend: Satin

4:45 pm

If you're looking for something that's versatile for all seasons, and something that you can dress up and down, then look no further as satin has got you covered.

Satin is a material that's timeless and stylish, and when used for a classic silhouette such as a cami dress, there is nothing that can bring it down! As seen on 'it' girls, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner, this is definitely something that you should have in your wardrobe. Here are my top 3 picks!

Winter Street Style / Gigi & Kendall Inspired!

4:03 pm


With the cooler days coming ahead, it's time to wrap up, layer up, and keep warm. But that doesn't mean we have to fully neglect maintaining our style, so with the inspirations of the current 'it' girls of the world, here are some easy ways to look good, and stay cozy.

Instagram Baddie 101 with Stelly the Label

4:02 pm

There's an alarming new trend that's rolling out in fashion, and we all want it to come into play in our fashion wardrobes this season. It's the simplicity of nude shades, the clean lined aesthetics, and the ongoing appreciation for clothes that fit our bodies to a T. It's a look of an Instagram 'baddie' - the girl who's got her own thing and owns it, the type of girl who has the confidence to flaunt it and isn't scared of what the big internet world says about her.

As we're young girls living on a budget, it's hard to achieve this look that Kylie Jenner seemingly started. The corporation of sneakers and dresses, the odd but perfect marriage of cropped pants and heels, and the unification of bomber jackets and bodysuits (to put it simply, its the unique blend of sports luxe, without looking too much of Sporty Spice!).

At first glance, it's a style that we all kinda think might have to take a lot of our $$$ but I am here to give you the quick and easy (and affordable) 101 on how to slay it like pro. 

STYLE: 2016 Oscars Red Carpet

12:46 pm

It's the time of year again, where we are imbued with the sartorial pleasure that is the Oscars Red Carpet. Whether you're inspired by the parade of embellishments and lace, or revolted by the ostentatious glitz and glam, you have to admit, you're intrigued! Whichever side of the ceremony style scale you fall on, we have collaborated the 5 most inspirational trends of the Oscars Red Carpet to suit every taste. 

How NYFW Can Inspire Your Summer Wardrobe

12:13 pm

SOURCE: nyfw.com

It’s here again. The infamous 7 days that make you want to burn your wardrobe and resign to a life of track pants and pizza pockets. Well fret not ladies, it’s time to stop love-hating your fav celebrities for donning outfits worth more than your yearly income, we have the solution. Stelly is bringing you the hottest looks inspired by NYFW at a fraction of the price. After all, you've got a world to run, you need threads to match. 

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