
Our Favourite DIY!

3:30 pm

 Do you ever think I wish I were more thrifty with my money??
Especially after christmas time the last thing you want to do is spend more! These gorgeous little DIYs will help your retail therapy blues and send you on your way to a more glamourous home!

DIY 1 -
With just a little bit of gold spray paint and some masking tape you can turn your old boring white mugs into shining beacons for your afternoon tea or for even adding a little more flavour to your coffee table as an ornamnet with some flowers or a succulent plant! 

DIY 2-

This is super simple and super effective! Just pop your plant or bunch of flowers into a bowl and tie some strong string around it and hang from the ceiling! Or wherever suits your fancy!

DIY 3 -

This can be done to your mason jars or any mug you wish! 
Buy some sparkles from a local craft store and some clear drying craft glue and evenly apply the glue to the bottom of the outside of the jar and dip the jar into a bowl of sparkles! 
Be careful to let it dry fully otherwise you will have a very sparkly table! 

Read up more on these DIY's at the Image Resources below xo

Image Resources -

Sparkles - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/14847873745623716/
Flower Baskets - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/14847873745623718/
Gold Mugs - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/14847873745623694/

Stelly Team xo 

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